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The 25 Best Art Materials for Kids "The 25 Best Art Materials for
Kids Including The Artful Parent's top 10 can't-live-without, all-time
favorites." From The Artful Parent. List includes things you know
about and things you haven't thought of yet. This site has plenty
of other good things as well.


128,000 Dominoes Falling into past a journey around the world.
7:12 video follows the whole event as a gym full of dominos follow
their paths. They transform art, move objects, drop a 30 meter long
wall, and generally act like kinetic art. This is fun to watch, and the
crowd goes wild!

128,000 dominoes


New Site

A Gathering of Nations

If you want to see Native people as they looked 200 years
ago, in their finest clothes, in their proud dignity, this is
the prime source.
Images from McKenney & Hall's History of the Indian
Tribes of North America

"Thomas Loraine McKenney (1785-1859) served as Commissioner
of Indian Affairs 1824-1830.  In that capacity he commissioned
and collected portraits of Native Americans for his Gallery in
the War Department.  Most of the portraits were painted by
Charles Bird King (1785-1862) in Washington, D.C.,
during visits of Native delegations. McKenney's goal was to
publish a record of vanishing peoples: portraits, biographical
sketches, and a history of North American Indians.  He
accomplished this in the first issue of
History of the Indian Tribes of North America, published in
three volumes between 1836 and 1844.
143 Native American portraits are preserved in McKenney &
Hall's monumental work."

Why is this important?

"The History of the Indian Tribes of North America is a record of
vanishing peoples: portraits, biographical sketches, and a history
of North American Indians.  It is one of the finest and most
beautiful examples of hand-colored American lithography. 
 It is one of the earliest collections of Native American portraits. 
  Because most of the original portraits were destroyed in a fire
in the Smithsonian Institution in 1865 these images form the
only record not only of the individuals portrayed, but also of
important works of 19th Century American artists."
If you want to see Native people as they looked 200 years
ago, in their finest clothes, in their proud dignity, this is
the prime source.


Activity Village  Here's a site from the UK that will help out parents and teachers. Welcome to Activity Village, where you will find coloring pages, home school resources, educational resources, kids crafts, puzzles, printables, Sudoku for kids and much, much more ... Click on the menu bars above to explore over 3000 pages of activities to help you keep your kids busy!"  Tons of coloring pages! The site has a popup to start, x it out or just subscribe.



Great_Cameo_of_France.jpg Ancient Roman Cameos from Ancient Links. "So, what on Earth is a cameo anyway? It's an engraved gem, or a piece of jewelry that contains a relief image on a negative background, called intaglio... Ancient Roman cameos were made mostly of semi-precious stones, such as agate, onyx and sardonyx, and are known today as 'hardstone cameos'. The Romans also created glass cameos..." This is very beautiful art. Here are eight of the very best surviving Roman cameos, including the largest - Great Cameo of France. The best and most famous glass cameo, the Portland Vase, is also shown. Many cameos made political statements, and this is discussed. There are more cameos on Pinterest. "...the Kunsthistoriches Museum in Vienna has the best collection of ancient Roman cameos in the world. Go check it out." If you can't go in person, you can see them online.



Anzud, Sumerian god of storms
This stunning little pendant is made of real gold.
The blue parts are made of lapis lazuli from the
only mine they knew of in those days; way up in the mountains
of north Afghanistan on the border with China. The Indus Valley
people had a mine and a trading post up there. They loaded up backpacks
with lapis lazuli and walked back south across Afghanistan *, either back to
their cities in the Indus Valley (the Punjab), or to a seaport they had on
the Indian Ocean. Trading ships from Ur and its sister cities could trade for
things there and then sail back to their own lands.
* as time went on, people started using donkeys to haul trade goods,
instead of carrying the loads on their backs.


Sumeria Mesopotamia presents:·
"Anzud, the lion-headed eagle, the god of storms.
This pendant of gold and lapis lazuli is part of “The Treasure of Ur”,
although the name is misleading. Ur is a Sumerian city, but
the Treasure of Ur was found in Mari, which is an Akkadian city.
The pendant was found in a buried sealed clay jar. The jar contained
more than 100 items, including jewelry, cylinder seals, and statuettes."

excerpt credit = Sumeria Mesopotamia on Facebook




In the tomb of Queen Pu-abi of Ur

Solid gold headdress and earrings were found on the
body of Queen Pu-abi in the Royal Cemetery at Ur, along with
bead necklaces and collar.
The beads are ivory, carnelian (red), and lapis (blue).
Dates from 2,600 BC (about), which was 4,600 years ago.

Ornamental knives from the Mycenean culture of ancient Greece. These
were found in shaft graves. These blades are of solid siver with gold
art decorations. Only one knife has a haft. The other knives have rivets
to attach hafts.
The silver blades are corroded but the gold decorations are still in great
shape. Why doesn't the gold corrode, too?


Hindsgavl Dagger

Ancient Craft - Dr. James Dilley
"The pinnacle of prehistoric European flintknapping?
Found on the Danish island of Fænø around 1876 this
stunning flint dagger was owned by Hindsgavl Manor
on Funen until it was purchased by the National
Museum of Denmark.
Known as the "Hindsgavl Dagger", it features on
the 100 krone note.It is believed to date from
2400-1800BC based on similar examples which
are known as fish-tail type IV daggers. They come
from a period at the end of Stone Age when status
was shown by the quality of the dagger you owned
or could be buried with. There are suggestions
these late Neolithic daggers were imitations of the
earliest metal examples already in circulation.
There would have been few metalworkers at this
time so their work was very valuable. However
there would have been just as few (if not fewer)
flintknappers who could have produced work as
fine as the Hindsgavl Dagger.
To create the dagger, a large piece of flint would
have been shaped with hammerstones into a
roughout before it was refined with antler hammers
into a dagger blank. Pressure flaking may have been
started to create the final blade shape before it was
ground smooth. With a smooth surface, rippling
flakes could have been detached. The stitching effect
on the handle would have been achieved by pressure
flaking and indirect punchwork.


Solid gold earring (?) from Magna Grecia (southern Italy and Sicily)
before the Romans came.


New Site
Bell (Lai Zhong) - The Cleveland Museum of Art

One of Lai's Bells, with inscriptions about why it
was made. From a set of eight.
China, Western Zhou dynasty, 800–700 BC
"This bell bears an inscription of 118 characters
about its owner, Lai, and why it was cast.
Lai's ancestors dutifully served the Western Zhou
royal court, and he was granted a hereditary
position by the Son of Heaven. To express
filial piety, Lai commissioned a set of bells
as an offering to his father, Gongshu, in the
hope that they would be forever treasured
by future generations."



A vividly restored Minoan fresco of the "Saffron Goddess"
Approximately 3,600 years old, it was discovered in the
prehistoric city of Akrotiri on Santorini (ancient Thera)
source = Ancient Civilizatio


Minoan vase from 1400 BC (about 3,400 years ago)


New Site

"A catte"

Includes a great video about this work.

"This embroidered panel depicts a ginger cat and a mouse, seated on
a chequered floor, bearing the cipher of Mary, Queen of Scots.
Mary was an adept needlewoman and the Royal Collection has this
and the following panel, which demonstrate her skill. It has been
suggested that in this panel Mary was alluding to herself as the mouse
and Elizabeth I as the cat. Elizabeth was famously ginger (a red-head).
(When Mary escaped from Scotland in 1568, she fled to England to
seek help from her cousin, Elizabeth I. Instead of providing refuge,
the English queen put her in the custody of George, Earl of
Shrewsbury. Most of her embroideries were carried out between 1569
and 1584 during this captivity."


Art of Asia "A resource for museum visitors, teachers, students, and everyone interested in Asian art, culture, and history. The Art of Asia features objects from The Minneapolis Institute of Arts' permanent collection, and explores several cross-cultural Asian themes." This has history & maps, paintings, sculpture, silk, architecture, Buddhism, and the most amazing online ceramics collection (from Neolithic to Satsuma and Sung Dynasty) you will ever see anywhere! (pages and pages of pots, plates, and porcelain!) You must see this!



Art Hub for Kids Super nice and kid friendly, colourful too. Parents and teachers can pick projects for littles to try. There are whole sections of guides for drawing, painting, sculpting, even origami! Older kids can follow the guides and do some clay sculpting, paper craft, drawing animals and volcanoes, etc. There is a parents' section, an ebook tutorial, and lots of art contests! Thanks to Rob and family.


Art Zone Interactive art that you can make online. From the National Gallery of Art. There are 18 interactive projects. You will need Shockwave to make these work.


Artsonia - "Just Beyond Imagination! Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Every child can have an online art gallery and preserve their masterpieces for all time! The story of Artsonia begins with a dream that artwork created from kids around the world can be shared and enjoyed by everyone. If kids say the darndest things, imagine what they draw! Today, due to the passion of thousands of art teachers worldwide, that dream has come true. Please enjoy the millions of pieces of kids' artwork showcased! And if you are an art educator, please join us and submit student artwork or lesson plans."



art from Book of KellsThe Book of Kells Online The Book of Kells is a precious and glorious hand-written illuminated manuscript of the Four Gospels, in Latin. It was written around 800, maybe earlier, by Irish monks at a monastery on the Isle of Iona, Scotland. The pages are made of vellum (prepared calfskin). It was moved to Ireland to get it away from Viking raids. Yes, students, it is that old. Learn more of its history here. Now you can scroll though and look at each of the 340 pages. You don't have to read Latin to enjoy the enchanting, mystical art on every page. You can zoom in on every little detail. It gets even better! If you have an iPad, there's an app for this!



Bug and Insect Crafts for Kids "How to Make Bug and Insect Crafts to use in Your Home School and Preschool. Insect Crafts, Science, and Creative Writing Learning Activities for Home School. Use 'nature bugs' in your science class to teach about insects and spiders, in your English class to promote creative writing or technical writing, and in your art class to promote creativity." Bunches of inexpensive kid-friendly craft projects. Make various insects, some spiders, and paper roly-polys (sowbugs, woodlouse). Everything's illustrated, with written instructions and parts lists, like a cookbook's recipes!


3 ways to Build Your Own Kaleidoscope Lets kids try out different shapes, lines, all sorts of things from a menu that then gets displayed as a kaleidoscope! Fun and encourages creativity and inquiry.


This exquisite hand carved ivory horn was made by Muslim artists in Sicily. The Emirate of Sicily ruled Sicily from the 800s, after chasing the Byzantines out. In 1071, Norman adventurers conquered southern Italy, Sicily, and Malta. They liked the carved ivory horns like the one above and patronized all the arts. Count Roger I of Sicily owned this horn.


Color Vision and Art This site covers the science behind our color vision as it effects art. (If we did not have color vision, all our art would be gray scale. Ugh.) Interactive and a lot of new-to-us art concepts make this a very enlightening site. Use sliding color bars to see what great paintings look like at different color levels. See how the difference between older and newer parts of the human brain affect how we see Monet's painting. Technical terms explained, too. Learn the technicalities of Peripheral Vision. Decide if Mona Lisa is smiling or not. One of many sites at WebExhibits.


Colouring Page Lots and lots of cartoon art to print out and color. Organized into Animals (lots), Cartoons & Movies (31 pages with 6 - 12 on each page) everything from Alvin to Wreck-it-Ralph! Includes Shrek, Tangled, Spongebob, Smurfs, Lorax, Nemo, Madagascar, many more. Also has a section of Holidays Colouring Pages, including Christmas.


Flag of India Coloring Pages has online and printable coloring pages, plus more. "Free different types of coloring pages are easily available at morecoloringpages.com such as printable coloring pages, coloring books, and online coloring activities for young kids in different categories." They really do have a lot. Thanks to Jonkrishna Robat for the email.


Coloring Pages 24 ", The interactive coloring website. We produce high quality coloring pages and share them with you for free. If you don't have a printer you can use our interactive online coloring tool." Content updated daily. LOTs and lots of printable coloring pages.


Coloringcastle is an awesome, awesome page. It has coloring sheets for every holiday, alphabet, numbers, military, space, animals, food guide pyramid etc...etc... Needless to say there are many good coloring sheets for you all so please check this site out and enjoy! This site uses PDF files.


Polish flag Cool Coloring Pages "Cool Coloring Pages - Free educational coloring pages for kids. High quality, professionally formatted in pdf file format. Perfect for home childcare providers, and parents teaching children basic concepts at home." This great site has everything - animals by type, plants by type, shapes, calligraphy, countries, flags, crosswords, word searches, telling time worksheets, dot to dot, holiday pages, lots more! Good site layout and graphic design, too. But wait, there's more! "All the coloring pages on our site are free and printable! Download and print as many copies as you like for your personal use or for the classroom. Color individual pages or download a bunch to make your own coloring book. Cool Coloring Pages... Coloring pages for Your children !!!" The site's from Poland but it's all in English. So thank you, Mr. Wiktor Chmur, for emailing us about your site.


Crayola  Yes! The crayon people!  The site has "Coloring and Crafts" with printable coloring projects, "Games and Fun" with some good color-related online games,  "For Educators" with lesson plans and more, and "For Parents" with various activities. A well-made site.



cursive monsterspinterest buttonCursive Monsters by funkylindsay on Flickr. Pinned by Alina Hensley via PediaStaff. Your kids write their name in cursive and color in the gaps. Presto - monsters!





DLTK Kids Coloring Dozens of coloring pages to print out. You may also make calendars from here.



Dignity is a metal sculpture of a shawl dancer. It is on a hill
by the east shore of the Missouri River in South Dakota, near
Chamberlain, on I-90.


Downloads Drawing for Children is a great, very cool, free download (Windows only) from the Netherlands. It says "drawing" but it has been used in computer labs for language arts, too! You can enter text and load .bmp files from Windows Paint. "Drawing for Children is a free drawing program for children with many nice options. The best way to learn to use it is simply to use it. There is though a document describing the use of the program. For more information, see the readme file." Click on everything! Right click, left-click, hold down both sides of the mouse at once!


Free Coloring Many coloring pages to print out; dental, flowers, etc.


Download GCompris Our first app from France! Available in over 40 languages (see their main page for a list). "GCompris is an educational software suite comprising of numerous activities for children aged 2 to 10...Currently GCompris offers in excess of 80 activities and more are being developed. GCompris is free software, that means that you can adapt it to your own needs, improve it and, most importantly, share it with children everywhere." Computer discovery, color, sounds, memory, experiential, amusement, reading, mathematics, puzzles, telling time, money, and strategy games like macala. Some of these will really make a child think! Another SourceForge offering.


GREECE - ancient art wasn't black & white All those white statues! Guess what? When they were new , they were brightly colored! 2,000+ years out in the weather scrubbed off the paint. Scientists have found traces of color, though. Now you can see computer art of statues in all their original glory! This 7:30 video is a survey of some of the best known sculptures.




Greek Gods and Goddesses A new retelling of the principal dieties for students. "GreekGodsAndGoddesses.net (GGG) was created in 2012 to provide an informative, easy to follow, and attractive online resource for information on the Olympian gods in Greek mythology... From K-12 students to mythology enthusiasts, GGG offers anyone interested in the Olympian gods an opportunity to enjoy learning about them." The site will be expanded in future to include more bios and facts about other figures in Greek Mythology. Go to this site and enjoy it! Thanks to Joshua for the email!


Japan Created a Kimono for Every Nation at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics!
Read about this great idea.

Kimono Project's List
Photos of all those gorgeous kimonos!



Hands-On History: Make a Coat of Arms Activity (Middle Ages History)
In those years (and in the years since), royal and noble families have had a
coat of arms to show what they’ve accomplished in their history.
To learn more about how these designs were used and passed down through
families, we decided to make our own coat of arms!
See how you can do the same for a hands-on history lesson!"


Hellokids.com "is amongst the best websites for kids' activities. We offer you coloring pages
that you can either print or do online, drawings and drawing lessons, various craft activities for
children of all ages, videos, games, songs and even wonderful readings for bedtime."


This small carving of a water bird was created 33,000 years ago.
The sculpted piece of mammoth ivory, found in the famous
Hohle Fels cave in Germany, may be the earliest representation
of a bird.


How To Draw A Realistic Dragonfly

How To Draw And Paint Smart "Drawing Secrets Revealed! Learning Art is fun, but it can also be hard at times without good instruction. We are here to help! Learning from art professionals with years of experience puts you on the fast track to becoming a better artist. Tutorials, Tips & Techniques From Professional Aritists to YOU!" This is a very good place for anyone to learn principles of drawing. Thanks to Michael "I draw and color for a living" Thoenes.


Ivy's Coloring Pages  features pages to print and color, online coloring, links to other sites.


Jan Brett Coloring Pages Here are LOTS of Jan Brett printable pages for kids to color! Holiday and yearly event themed, and pages from her books.


JigZone is a "Jigsaw Puzzle Paradise". Make one of their many online puzzles in 16 different piece numbers and shapes, from six to 247 pieces. There are daily puzzles and puzzle galleries. You can even upload photos and make them into puzzles! It's free, although they do sell things in their online shop.


download tag Kea Coloring Book  "The NEW VERSION of Kea Coloring Book features higher resolution pictures, a resizable window, and improved graphics. All the fun. None of the mess!" This free program lets kids color, save and print. It's like a coloring book on your computer. At least 250 more pictures can be downloaded from the site and added to the coloring books. You can download the program at various download sites (the Kea site links to C/NET's Download, which works fine).


KidsWorld from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Featuring Fabric Factory, a virtual embroidery activity (seldom seen on kids' game sites); a concentration/match game with George Washington; a treasure hunt using 40 paintings of great art; and a Coloring Book with dozens of printable line drawings of great art! Kids can try to outdo great masters! Virtual embroidery - wow!


KinderArt "is the largest collection of free art lessons on the Internet. What began in 1997 as a few helpful ideas for teachers and parents, has since grown into an enormous collection of resources featuring thousands of free lesson plans, ideas and resources.” Good help for busy art teachers.


Lascaux Cave The Cave of Lascaux is the French government's site (mostly in English) about this stone age cave and its world famous paintings. Click HERE to tour the cave at the updated Virtual Visit , which lets you explore the cave section by section, with closeup Flash pix of the paintings (click the orange letters "en savoir" to do this) and detailed explanations. You may also want to click on the white labels that periodically appear. Eerie music accents this amazing experience. Everyone ought to visit this site at least once. Requires Flash. Also see the Chauvet Cave page.



Maria Sibylla Merian 1647 - 1717 Maria Sibylla Merian & Daughters: Women of Art and Science, is all about this self-educated German artist and pioneer scientist of 369 years ago) . She was a trailblazer in entomology (study of insects), botany (study of plants), the study of biomes, use of the scientific method, and accurate scientific illustration. Read her bio and learn about her beginnings at age 13, studying silkworm metamorphosis. Learn about her daughters, and all the profusely illustrated (lots of pix) books she wrote about insects and the plants they live with. The paintings, by the way, are beautiful! The narrated slideshow is definitely worth watching to the end. This woman and her older daughter went to the Dutch colony of Surinam in South America by themselves (gasp) at a time when "respectable women" did NOT! EVER! DO THAT! Read how the daughters followed in mom's footsteps and became great painters in their own right. They helped illustrate mom's books, and kept them in print, with a little help from Czar Peter (The Great) and other friends. Check out the ladies' paintings here. This site is from The Getty Museum in Los Angeles. Visit if you're in the area, and be amazed.


The Met Puts 400,000 Free High-Res Images Online" Collossal & stupendous! “...more than 400,000 high-resolution digital images of public domain works in the Museum’s world-renowned collection may be downloaded directly from the Museum’s website for non-commercial use.” Even better, the images can be used at no charge (and without getting permission from the museum). In making this announcement, the Met joined other world-class museums in putting put large troves of digital art online. Witness 87,000 images from the Getty in L.A., 125,000 Dutch masterpieces from the Rijksmuseum, 35,000 artistic images from the National Gallery, and 57,000 works of art on Google Art Project." Short of going to the museums, what better way to introduce kids to the real deal in art?


The world's largest ancient mosaic

The world's largest ancient mosaic was uncovered in Antakya,
Turkey. It covers 9,000 square feet (836 m2) and was made
in the late Roman period, 4th century AD


Moving sculptures on the beaches of The Netherlands Amazing! Must see to Believe!
Kinetic sculptures made of "electrical tubes" and zip ties that walk along the beach!



Emma Elias > We Love Mesopotamia
Tiglath Pileser III shown in his chariot in this panel from his palace at Nimrud
The detail of a stone panel decorating Tiglath-pileser's Central Palace at Kalhu
shows the king standing on his chariot, with his right hand raised in a greeting
gesture during a victory procession. Note the ornate case for the king's bow
hanging above the richly decorated horses' backs.
Photo © British Museum



NGA Kids is the kid section of the National Gallery of Art. Stunning pictures, all sorts of exhibitions using shockwave, Flash, and QuickTime.



Neandertal Necklace.jpgNeanderthal Necklace
From an article by Zach Zorich, Archaeology Magazine online; June 04, 2015.
"The talons have been dated to about 130,000 years ago, predating the arrival of Homo sapiens in the area by about 50,000 years.
The talon necklace is now thought to be the earliest known symbolic Neanderthal artifact."


Je suis maman et je m'éclate.jpg

The Emirate of Sicily ruled Sicily from the 800s, after chasing the Byzantines out.
In 1071, Norman adventurers conquered southern Italy, Sicily, and Malta. They liked
the Muslim artists who carved ivory horns
like the one above and patronized the arts.
Count Roger I of Sicily owned this horn.


Native women and kids - 1900Old Color Photos of Native Americans collected by Paul Ratner "While making Moses on the Mesa, a film about a German-Jewish immigrant who fell in love with a Native-American woman and became governor of her tribe of Acoma Pueblo in New Mexico in the late 1800s, I developed a passion for researching old photographs of indigenous people... Please enjoy this first collection of colorized photos. If you like them, you can find many more at our historical and photographic archive on Facebook." Click the link or log on to Facebook - Moses on the Mesa.



Online Coloring Pages "Free online coloring pages, printables, kids puzzles, drawing game and connect the dots (dot to dot) are interesting and funny, help children develop important skills. Color dozens of pictures online, including all kids favorite cartoon stars, animals, flowers, and more."


Paint! A Kid's Paint, Draw & Color Game from ABCya! Simple online coloring with various brushes, eraser, and text capabilities. Sound effects. Clicking New resets the workspace. Doesn't seem to have a print option, but you could work around that if you wanted to.


Passage Tombs We have a lot of links to sites featuring passage
tombs/passage graves like Newgrange in Ireland and Wayland's
in England. This link from Ireland is a good explanation
of what makes a burial site a passage grave.

Gavrinis is a big passage tomb in Brittany, France.

"Gavrinis (Breton: Gavriniz) is a small island in the
Gulf of Morbihan in Brittany, France. It contains the Gavrinis
tomb, a Neolithic passage tomb built around 4200–4000 BC,
making it one of the world's oldest surviving buildings. Stones
inside the passage and chamber are covered in megalithic art.
It is likened to other Neolithic passage tombs such as
Barnenez in Brittany and Newgrange in Ireland." - Wikipedia


Pigments through the Ages "Pigments are the basis of all paints, and have been used for millennia. They are ground colored material. Early pigments were simply as ground earth or clay, and were made into paint with spit or fat. Modern pigments are often sophisticated masterpieces of chemical engineering. This exhibit includes most important pigments used through the early 20th century." Explore timelines, a pigment catalog, history of different colors, different artist paints, how to mix paint, make your own painting, etc. One of many sites at WebExhibits.


Vendel helmet: A pre-viking warrior helmet found in a grave
in 7th century AD Sweden. Similar to the Sutton Hoo
helmet found in the UK and the same age.



Publo water jarSung celadonThe Pottery Page This is a "relic" page we used for a summer project some years ago. Learn about Pueblo and Chinese ceramics. There is also a good commercial site about Sioux Pottery. It's all a way to expose students to another kind of art.

The three sites from The Pottery Page are listed below.


Chinese Pottery 100s of ceramics in huge collection! 4,500 years of Chinese craft in 17 different styles. Just go to the pictures on the right side of the page and start clicking. You will be amazed!


Pueblo Pottery 60 historical pots from different Pueblos, all on one page. Click on the photos to enlarge them.


Sioux Pottery This is the factory in Rapid City. Lots of pictures! Go to the products list at the top, then pick and click!



Pinterest-button.pngEaster Bunny runningPrintable Easter Coloring Pages from sheknows has 20 different pages for children to color. It is easier to Save these and then print your saved copies. The younger kids love to color these.




QueekyPaint lets kids draw online with a good selection of tools. Similar to the old Microsoft Paint BUT with a ton of tools and a more professional look.

Spooky Scary Skeleton Coloring Pages for Kids and Adults
from Two Kids and a coupon.
With a wide variety of pages, these are hours of coloring fun to have!
Celebrate spooky season with these spooky scary skeleton coloring
pages for kids and adults. Print them for your family.


SquinchPix is not on the internet anymore. The site's for sale. RIP


Super Coloring "Search through 16912 colorings" Here's another coloring (or "colouring") site for pre-K through adult. Coloring online or download the pictures. There are seven pages of classical art (1st 2 1/2 pages are biblical art, the rest are not), 1 1/2 pages of Tinkerbell and friends, pages and pages of cartoon characters (yes, they have Pokemon!), even a dot-to-dot section. You can even submit your own. This is a neat find. Thanks to editor Kate for putting this together.


TheColor.com Online Coloring for kids! (or anyone else) "Why is Thecolor.com unique? We have over 1,000 images to color in online without having to print. This is more online coloring pages than any other online coloring site. TheColor.com helps kids learn color concepts, eye-hand coordination, picture comprehension – these skills form the foundation for early learning success. We are COPPA compliant. Everyone can use the site as no java, flash or applet is necessary to load the pages. Kids can email the pictures they colored or save them or print them." Right-click on a picture to Save Image As - it saves as bitmaps which is what you want for a wallpaper. We have been looking for a site like this. Think of all the paper you'll save!


TouchPaintTouchPaint "A personal project for free public use. This website is a Java applet coloring book website. You pick an image, one of many available, and you are able to color it by touching each area with the currently selected color. You can pick a color from the swatches available or tweak the current color by adjusting its red, green, and blue values. If you click the Print button it opens a new browser window with your colored image so that you can print it. You can email a message to a friend and the message will include a link to your coloring." Thank you, Gilbert Engle, for donating this site to the aspiring artists of the world!


Download Tux Paint Kids really love playing with this program! "Tux Paint is a free, award-winning drawing program for children ages 3 to 12 (for example, preschool and K-6). It combines an easy-to-use interface, fun sound effects, and an encouraging cartoon mascot who guides children as they use the program. Kids are presented with a blank canvas and a variety of drawing tools to help them be creative."


Twisty Noodle "Twisty Noodle has thousands of coloring pages and worksheets for kids. You can customize your coloring page or worksheet by changing the font and text. Change the font to block, D'Nealian, or cursive for great writing practice. " VERY useful site for teachers and homeschoolers.

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Well, hey! We like art as much as any dogs do!

Golden Retriever and American Brittany